Rabu, 20 April 2011

Keep doing what you're doing.

I'm a dreamer and have a lot of many fantasy in my mind but sometimes i just keep telling myself if it'll never comes true so sometimes i'm scared of dreaming cause i dreamed too much and i can't explain how painful is it to wait for something that i know it'll never comes. Everyday i'm always pray and begging if someday my dream will come true anad i'm promise i'll always fight for it!

My life full of happiness, love, peace and smile. I think it would be perfect and live with people who love and will never hurt me. That's so different with reality, HUHUHUHU why i can't go back to my old life and living with my old friends who always love me. But now i think my friends so busy with their own life. How hardly i can find a happyness in my life with these people who just think their own life. I want to skip this part. I need my new life. With more happyness and this pain could go away, more fresh and could be stronger than this. I'm tired of life and dramas. Why people never think twice before they do it and someone gets hurt of them. I want to be happy without any problem. Happyness

So from now i will fight for my happyness and start to living life. Keep doing what you're doing 

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